Pflugerville Homeschool Pfamilies is a growing homeschool community in Pflugerville, Texas.
We seek to build relationships with each other and with our local community. We do this by personally getting together, supporting local homeschool pfamilies and local businesses, and sharing our strengths with each other, plus so much more.
We welcome all faiths, all ages up to 18, and all homeschooling styles. Whether you are homeschooling, de-schooling, unschooling, road-schooling, world-schooling, life-schooling, or a mix of it all, it’s ok!
New to Pflugerville? You and your pfamily are welcome here.
New to homeschooling? You and your family are welcome here.
Want to learn more about how to transition from public school to homeschool? We can help you connect.
Are you interested in being a community partner? There is a place for you also. Contact Kristen Marengo by clicking on the email tab on the website.
This website accompanies our Team App smartphone app available from the App Store or Google Play. Download Team App now and search for Pflugerville Homeschool Pfamilies to enjoy our team app on the go. The app has so many great features that we are so excited to offer and we are constantly adding content.
If you have any questions or wish to join, please contact us and we will respond as soon as we can. We can’t wait to meet you.
To access all the features of this site you need to Log In or Sign Up.
by Sheri V.
Posted: over 4 years ago
Updated: over 4 years ago
by Sheri V.
Visible to:
Time zone: Central Time (US & Canada)
Reminder: None
(duration is about 4 hours)
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